Don Sims, co-author of “Skyhawks”, kiwi skyhawk guru, and long time supporter of my projects visited the sim, and made some very nice remarks about it on social media
Don gets to grips with the sim
Skyhawk intercept over the South Taranaki Bite
Chasing a Herk departing Ohakea
From Facebook;
“Don Simms
December 29, 2016 at 6:48pm
Spent some time flying Sean’s Kahu Skyhawk sim today. The video is me trying (unsuccessfully) to plug into a RAF VC-10 tanker. It was doing 315kts so I was having trouble just keeping up! The flight and engine modelling is very realistic for a J52 powered Skyhawk. The graphics at Ohakea are very good. I even tried a max weight take off from 09. The jet became very sluggish which was quite realistic. One very impressive man cave. Thanks Sean Galbraith.”
Don’s attack on the Canterbury
And from the Gun Camera
It was really good to have someone with the depth of knowledge that Don has to come and sample my sim, especially as it has evolved in isolation for so long, it’s nice to see that it hasn’t strayed to far from the original concept.