I’m travelling again… so I’ve been messing with my paint brushes again….
After painting the FAIB 737-500 I really got inspired to do a paint on a “proper” flyable aircraft.
My Flight Model/Visual Model choices are; Vista/HJG freeware or Feelthere 737 PIC. With the added possibility of using the FAIB visual model with either flight model.
The paintkit for the Vistaliners model is a flat white painted aircraft, so I would have to develop my own. I’ve found a partial Paint kit for the Feelthere model, but would probably end up rolling my own. Meanwhile the paint kit for the FAIB ‘AI’ model is perfect for my needs… the only thing wrong with the model is that in Multiplayer the nose-wheel animation doesn’t work properly…
Looks like I need to do some testing to figure out the best combination of visual and flight models!